Make sure and add us to your E-mail whitelist and contacts

Some free E-mail services like and will block E-mails that are not listed in the E-mail acounts contacts or whitelist.

Our E-mails are important information for your account and we NEVER send spam or junk mail.

Our public E-mails are: and

29th Nov 2017
Scheduled maintenance 11/28/2017

We will be upgrading our back up system, thi will have no effect on your web hosting but might slow down the cPanel system a little when the new back ups are running.We are also upgrading Kernels which will take less than 1 minute offline during the reboot process.We are upgrading all Easy plans to have more CPU power.Last but not least we will be ... Read More »

27th Nov 2017
Happy Thanksgiving, we will be a little short staffed for the day

We hope you have a great day. Our billing department has the day off and will be back to regular hours Friday. 

Our support and admin staff will be fully staffed.

23rd Nov 2017
We are upgrading the Easy plan's CPU

We have been getting some comments about slow websites using the Easy plan. The Easy plan is made for basic websites or a single Wordpress for example. Still with themes and plugins getting more advanced and bulky even a single Wordpress site can slow down. To help, we are tweaking the Easy plan to have .50% more CPU power. This will take about ... Read More »

21st Nov 2017